Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I live in the underworld, the underworld is hidden in the earth. It is the kingdom of the dead and ruled over by me. For most, life in the underworld is not particularly unpleasant. It is rather like a miserable dream, full of shadows, without sunlight or hope, a joyless place where the dead slowly fade into nothingness.  The gates of my underworld are guarded by Cereberus my three headed dog.  I ride in a magnificent chariot made of gold that is pulled by four jet-black horses. My estate is huge and even bigger than the estate that my brother Zeus rules.  All the jewels and metals are here so one might ask the girls that reside here if they are not comforted by the bling-bling that surrounds them. I wear a red cape, black armor, and I carry my staff and sword. Although surrounded by darkness and silence, new subjects are always being addd to my vast kingdom.

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