Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Enchanted Tools of Hades and other facts

I wield a royal septer, a magical death-dealing staff, which could sunder the earth, creating a passage between the world of the living and the world of the dead. My helmet was made by Cyclopes and makes me invisible.  My  golden chariot is pretty impressive and everyone knows it is I , the Lord of thre Underworld, when I arrive. 

I am not the God Of  Death that is Thanatos but I am the ruler of the underworld of those mortals that have been given proper funerals. It is these souls that have been carried to me by my ferryman called Charon.

I have many names such as Pluto, Orcus,  and Aides.

I really have no children. How could a dead god father children?  My assigned children are the Furies. Dionysus, and Makaria and were probably fathered by my brother Zeus but I treat them like my own.  i did have an affair with Maria di Angelo while Persephone was gone and we had Bianco di Angelo.  My children are after all from my beloved Persephone and Maria di Angelo  and I will not let them come to any harm.

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